"Odd" is a short film that explores our perception of ourselves and how we cope with that image. It tells the story of how finding someone who is comfortable with their so-called "weird" identity can provide solace, making us feel okay with who we are.
The team used the metaphor of a creature who is considered “dumb” and “odd” to reflect feelings of being out of place, uncomfortable, and anxious. They focused on small details, such as bandages on fingers, head tilts, and repetitive actions in everyday tasks, to evoke a sense of strangeness and discomfort. Instead of directly showing emotions, the team conveyed the essence of nervousness and self-doubt through these small, thoughtful gestures, offering a raw depiction of what it feels like to struggle with self-acceptance. By having the character’s faces only shown in reflections until, it creates a question for the audience of if this perception is public or self inflicted that is only answered at the end, when the two see their reflections as their true selves, similar to one another.
The team learned to focus not on portraying emotions directly but on actions and details, using sensations to communicate inner experiences. Video framing, scriptwriting, and editing played key roles in conveying these themes.