Partnering with CIID on projects and training can act as a catalyst for an innovative internal culture, enabling companies, teams and individuals to become more adaptable and resilient in a rapidly changing economy.

Our cross-disciplinary environment and collaborative ethos inspires organisations to approach challenges from diverse angles. Our life-centred, impact-driven design approach to design aligns with today's business challenges, and enables our partners to quickly deliver impactful work. Our teams stimulate creative thinking, encourage experimentation, and push companies to explore new strategies for growth.

Since our formation in 2006, we have partnered with leading professionals, academics and organisations. We bring people together in various ways through educational platforms, projects, research and incubation.

Our knowledge network expands well beyond our own studios in Italy and Costa Rica and we provide an opportunity for our partners to connect with practitioners, faculty, advisors and mentors working all around the world.

Contact us for tailored information about partnerships.


These two-week collaborations provide a unique opportunity for businesses and organisations from all sectors to work with world-class students and graduates from the Interaction Design programme at CIID. We have successfully collaborated with over twenty five organisations (with many returning partners) on a wide range of briefs which span multiple industries.
Previously we have collaborated with a broad range of partners including: Amigos of Costa Rica, Banca Mediolanum, Barclays, Cookpad, Crusa, DSB, Electrolux, Meta Reality Labs, Google, IKEA, Intel, Lego, littleBits, Maersk, Meta, Mozilla, Nokia, Novo Nordisk, Orange, Philips, Siemens, Toyota, Velux, Volvo, X and Zozo Next


Industry Partners tap in to a pool of world class talent that brings new thinking and innovative solutions to industry defined challenges. In-line with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, we co-create design briefs with a strong focus on social and environmental sustainability.


The aim of these collaborations is to inspire our partners with speculative thinking, new directions and opportunities. Students and graduates benefit by working on a challenging and real brief. Partners get to meet and work with new talent - highly employable in the context of design and innovation.


At the end of the project, student deliver future visions, supported by early-prototyped concepts of innovative products and services. Concepts are early stage, explorative and speculative and they serve as props to spark strategic conversations for our partner.

Prototyped concepts are well documented – usually through a microsite and/or videos – making communication to management and colleagues easy to disseminate. The final concepts establish a starting point for discussions and considerations for further development either internally, or as a spin-off project supported by CIID.

What our partners say

“I’m so grateful for the collaboration with CIID. The process and the output delivered the outcome that we originally wanted. It was inspiring to witness new and diverse ways of thinking, creating and discussing. I would definitely do it again. And again…” Hector Ouilet, Ex. Head of Human Centered Innovation & Strategy at Google. Now, VP of Design for AI products at Dropbox.

“LEGO Creative Play Lab is on a journey of discovery to invent the future of play. Collaborating with CIID and the talented students through Industry Projects is an inspiring, insightful and valuable experience for everyone involved.” Martin Sanders, Innovation Director – LEGO Group.

Contact us for tailored information on Industry Projects
Innovation Studios collaboration with Toyota
Award-winning, Ethical Stack Research
Ideating potential solutions for sustainable cities and urban frameworks
European Union Project -CoHERE


We are at the forefront of design thinking and technological advancements, and our international network of skilled designers, researchers and students can infuse new ideas and approaches into a company's initiatives. Through partnerships and collaboration, together we can conceptualise and develop innovative solutions that address both existing and emerging challenges. We work together with our partners on a wide range of innovation projects.

Contact us for more info
Vayu - a prototype from an Industy Project with Space10 and IKEA


Taught by thought-leaders and high level practitioners, we offer a wide range of training programmes that encourage employees and teams to up-skill, think creatively, and approach challenges with a renewed energy. A curated learning experience with CIID offers fresh perspectives, new methodologies, and cross-disciplinary thinking.

Contact us for tailored information about Professional Training
Professional workshops in Tokyo, Japan