We are excited to introduce our new studio in Bergamo.
Italy holds great influence on and passion for design. CIID was born out of the
Interaction Design Institute, Ivrea, so while this is a new location, we feel we are returning to our Italian roots.
Why Astino?
The historical complex of Astino was chosen as our Italian location in line with our purpose to approach design from a life-centred perspective. The name
Astino indicates both the valley and the historical buildings. It is situated in an agricultural oasis, defined as Biodiversity Valley.
In collaboration with Fondazione Mia (Congregazione della Misericordia Maggioreto) we have created an open studio space for the Interaction Design Programme and our Pop-Up Schools, along with a digital fabrication lab and prototyping workshop. This is a destination where those working at the forefront of design, technology, sustainability and regeneration, can come together and work on meaningful projects.
The monastery has been open to the public since 2015 and has hosted numerous events, exhibitions and initiatives with many related to art, music and of course food, wine and nutrition. The reputation of Italian food is world-renowned and Bergamo is no exception.
Located just 7km from Bergamo airport, the Astino Valley immediately conveys a sense of peace.
Where is Bergamo? Located 45 km northeast of Milan, Bergamo is the fourth-largest city in Lombardy and is a well known UNESCO World Heritage site.
It has two parts: Citta Àlta (Upper City) and Città Bassa (Lower City) which are connected by a funicular. This makes it an exciting, contrasting place to experience.
Citta Altà is a medieval city, surrounded by 16th century Venetian walls, with cobbled stone streets that play host to small boutiques, cafes, bars, and restaurants. Città Bassa is the modern part of the city and is home to larger shops and the business district.