While Simon was researching for schools in Europe to teach in, he accidentally came across the Kaospilots. He was immediately attracted by the real world approach to client based projects and social change and was excited to learn about the Kaospilot’s unique methodology and work with ambitious & brave mature students.Born in Dublin, Simon received his B.A. in Art and Design Education, which incorporated 3 years of Visual Communication. For 6 years he worked as a creative director in the Irish Multimedia company Interact where he designed, programmed and managed approximately 600 multimedia titles in the business, educational, IT, online-Gaming, leisure and banking sectors for such clients as Novell, Oracle, Microsoft, Chase Manhattan, Reuters, Esat (02), Ebay, and Masterfoods.He then became a consultant in R&D for Windmill Lane Studios in the areas of Interactive Television, Streaming media & Content Management systems, VOD, online gaming before moving to Paris to further his studies in Digital media and art.Following Paris, Simon went to Shanghai to lecture a British degree in new media, design & culture for nearly 3 years. Now, he lives in Århus (Denmark).
While Simon was researching for schools in Europe to teach in, he accidentally came across the Kaospilots. He was immediately attracted by the real world approach to client based projects and social change and was excited to learn about the Kaospilot’s unique methodology and work with ambitious & brave mature students.Born in Dublin, Simon received his B.A. in Art and Design Education, which incorporated 3 years of Visual Communication. For 6 years he worked as a creative director in the Irish Multimedia company Interact where he designed, programmed and managed approximately 600 multimedia titles in the business, educational, IT, online-Gaming, leisure and banking sectors for such clients as Novell, Oracle, Microsoft, Chase Manhattan, Reuters, Esat (02), Ebay, and Masterfoods.He then became a consultant in R&D for Windmill Lane Studios in the areas of Interactive Television, Streaming media & Content Management systems, VOD, online gaming before moving to Paris to further his studies in Digital media and art.Following Paris, Simon went to Shanghai to lecture a British degree in new media, design & culture for nearly 3 years. Now, he lives in Århus (Denmark).