Rory Hamilton

Visiting Faculty

Rory works as a freelance service designer and design researcher in London.Rory had a specialisation in leading ideation and experience prototyping workshops. He has worked extensively in the areas of healthcare, automotive, telecoms and finance, as well as with various public institutions.Rory taught computing at the Bartlett school of architecture and in Interaction Design at the Royal College or Art for 12 years in total.Much of his work has involved a hands-on approach, engaging with a cross section of stakeholders, encouraging them to express their ideas and experience in sketching and experience prototyping activities. Leaving them with permanent service design skills.

Expertise : 
Service Design
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Rory Hamilton

Rory Hamilton

Visiting Faculty
Service Design

Rory works as a freelance service designer and design researcher in London.Rory had a specialisation in leading ideation and experience prototyping workshops. He has worked extensively in the areas of healthcare, automotive, telecoms and finance, as well as with various public institutions.Rory taught computing at the Bartlett school of architecture and in Interaction Design at the Royal College or Art for 12 years in total.Much of his work has involved a hands-on approach, engaging with a cross section of stakeholders, encouraging them to express their ideas and experience in sketching and experience prototyping activities. Leaving them with permanent service design skills.


Service Design