Matt Nish-Lapidus

Visiting Faculty

Matt Nish-Lapidus is an artist, writer, musician, and designer. He makes software, sounds, and texts probing the myth that computers need to be useful rather than beautiful. Matt’s interests lie in the poetics of computation and its proclivity to create meaningful relations through iteration and recombination. His work often results in diverse outputs including books, recordings, installations, performances, and objects. You can find Matt online and away-from-keyboard under various aliases and collaborations including emenel, New Tendencies, and må.

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Matt Nish-Lapidus

Matt Nish-Lapidus

Visiting Faculty

Matt Nish-Lapidus is an artist, writer, musician, and designer. He makes software, sounds, and texts probing the myth that computers need to be useful rather than beautiful. Matt’s interests lie in the poetics of computation and its proclivity to create meaningful relations through iteration and recombination. His work often results in diverse outputs including books, recordings, installations, performances, and objects. You can find Matt online and away-from-keyboard under various aliases and collaborations including emenel, New Tendencies, and må.
