Marco Trombetti

Visiting Faculty

Marco is an incurable optimist. He started his career very young - at the age of 15 he delivered innovative technology and algorithms for PC CD players to the Fidonet BBS community (back when the Web was just a nagging thought in the back of Tim Berners-Lee's mind).

During his studies in Physics, Marco continued to develop technical solutions, this time for the digital mapping market, information retrieval and image manipulation. In 1999, Marco created Translated, one of the first internet based-translation services and, today, one of the most innovative. Translated provides localisation services to many leading global companies and fast-growing businesses.In parallel, he created other successful e-businesses such as WebChatWorld (over 50M pageviews per month, ilsole24ore WWW nomination). WebChatWorld Ads management was later acquired by Doubleclick (now part of Google).

In recent years, Marco has created an exciting internet search technology for images, which he has sold to a well-known IT company. Today, besides being responsible for the overall administration of Translated, Marco is pursuing research in machine learning models for integrating machine translation in a human translation workflow.

Marco speaks fluent Italian, English and French .

He is constantly seeking for talent with great ideas to join his team.

Expertise : 
No projects listed for this profile
Marco Trombetti

Marco Trombetti

Visiting Faculty

Marco is an incurable optimist. He started his career very young - at the age of 15 he delivered innovative technology and algorithms for PC CD players to the Fidonet BBS community (back when the Web was just a nagging thought in the back of Tim Berners-Lee's mind).

During his studies in Physics, Marco continued to develop technical solutions, this time for the digital mapping market, information retrieval and image manipulation. In 1999, Marco created Translated, one of the first internet based-translation services and, today, one of the most innovative. Translated provides localisation services to many leading global companies and fast-growing businesses.In parallel, he created other successful e-businesses such as WebChatWorld (over 50M pageviews per month, ilsole24ore WWW nomination). WebChatWorld Ads management was later acquired by Doubleclick (now part of Google).

In recent years, Marco has created an exciting internet search technology for images, which he has sold to a well-known IT company. Today, besides being responsible for the overall administration of Translated, Marco is pursuing research in machine learning models for integrating machine translation in a human translation workflow.

Marco speaks fluent Italian, English and French .

He is constantly seeking for talent with great ideas to join his team.
