Kelton Minor is a PhD candidate at the University of Copenhagen’s Center for Social Data Science and research fellow at Kraks Fond Institute for Urban Economic Research. Kelton is interested in how changes in the technologies we interact with, including the environments we live in, shape our behavior and wellbeing over the lifespan. By bridging between global environmental and local behavioral datasets, Kelton helps to inform harmonious interfaces between people and places.His PhD research examines how global environmental change – the most extensive effect human technology is having on the planet – may affect public life, health, beliefs and behavior across contexts ranging from communities and cities to countries and continents. Recently, he helped conduct the Greenlandic Perspectives Survey (GPS): a countrywide, representative survey of 649 Greenlandic residents’ beliefs, attitudes and experiences of ongoing environmental changes and adaptation around Greenland.Kelton has an MSc in Human Environment Relations from Cornell University’s College of Human Ecology and a BSc in Design and Environmental Analysis. Before embarking on his PhD, he worked as a UX Researcher for smart home startups in Silicon Valley and was a Fulbright Fellow at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts: School of Design. Previously, he programmed and designed the Google NYC office bike room and became a LEED accredited professional at the age of 19.
Kelton Minor is a PhD candidate at the University of Copenhagen’s Center for Social Data Science and research fellow at Kraks Fond Institute for Urban Economic Research. Kelton is interested in how changes in the technologies we interact with, including the environments we live in, shape our behavior and wellbeing over the lifespan. By bridging between global environmental and local behavioral datasets, Kelton helps to inform harmonious interfaces between people and places.His PhD research examines how global environmental change – the most extensive effect human technology is having on the planet – may affect public life, health, beliefs and behavior across contexts ranging from communities and cities to countries and continents. Recently, he helped conduct the Greenlandic Perspectives Survey (GPS): a countrywide, representative survey of 649 Greenlandic residents’ beliefs, attitudes and experiences of ongoing environmental changes and adaptation around Greenland.Kelton has an MSc in Human Environment Relations from Cornell University’s College of Human Ecology and a BSc in Design and Environmental Analysis. Before embarking on his PhD, he worked as a UX Researcher for smart home startups in Silicon Valley and was a Fulbright Fellow at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts: School of Design. Previously, he programmed and designed the Google NYC office bike room and became a LEED accredited professional at the age of 19.