Jennie Winhall

Visiting Faculty

Jennie rethinks big social issues and designs new systems that make a real difference to people’s lives.She is an expert in user-centred design, social innovation, and translating big policy ideas into action through services that people love.At Participle, Jennie led the design of four new social ventures: Circle, Life, Backr, and a new ‘wellness’ service for people with chronic health conditions (in development). Together these demonstrate the future of a welfare state built on relationships not transactions.She is currently setting up a new social innovation venture, which draws on her passion for redesigning failing systems and experience in leading teams to create services that scale. She is actively seeking partners and collaborators.

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Jennie Winhall

Jennie Winhall

Visiting Faculty

Jennie rethinks big social issues and designs new systems that make a real difference to people’s lives.She is an expert in user-centred design, social innovation, and translating big policy ideas into action through services that people love.At Participle, Jennie led the design of four new social ventures: Circle, Life, Backr, and a new ‘wellness’ service for people with chronic health conditions (in development). Together these demonstrate the future of a welfare state built on relationships not transactions.She is currently setting up a new social innovation venture, which draws on her passion for redesigning failing systems and experience in leading teams to create services that scale. She is actively seeking partners and collaborators.


Service Design