Davide Gomba is an Italian maker from Turin.He comes from the experimental video world and his very first arduino project is a controller to master audio/visual programs.He’s a communicator and blogger on arduino.cc, and has been running Arduino workshops around Italy since 2010 – spreading the word on open design and digital fabrication concepts far and wide.Davide helped out in the creation of the first italian Fablab (FablabItalia) and in 2012, he teamed up with Arduino for the opening of the first Arduino “officina”. At the moment, Officine Arduino hosts the Fablab of Turin and lots and lots of creative people everyday.In his spare time, Davide loves printing toys & creating games with his son Djibril.
Davide Gomba is an Italian maker from Turin.He comes from the experimental video world and his very first arduino project is a controller to master audio/visual programs.He’s a communicator and blogger on arduino.cc, and has been running Arduino workshops around Italy since 2010 – spreading the word on open design and digital fabrication concepts far and wide.Davide helped out in the creation of the first italian Fablab (FablabItalia) and in 2012, he teamed up with Arduino for the opening of the first Arduino “officina”. At the moment, Officine Arduino hosts the Fablab of Turin and lots and lots of creative people everyday.In his spare time, Davide loves printing toys & creating games with his son Djibril.